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Welcome Esembly Baby Cloth Diapers to Cloth Diaper Kids in Canada

Welcome Esembly Baby Cloth Diapers to Cloth Diaper Kids in Canada

Today we launched a new brand in our e-boutique.  Welcome Esembly cloth diapers to our lineup of high quality cloth diapers. 

Esembly Baby Cloth Diapers
Before launching Esembly Baby in 2019, the founders of Esembly owned and ran a busy cloth diaper service in New York City. So to say they understand diaper quality and cloth diaper washing is an understatement.  They have it down to a fine art. Their two part diapering system is designed to be blow-out proof, leak proof and easy to wash too. 

A diapering system for sustainability, it's designed to help families Live Less Disposably.

Esembly diapers have Inners paired with Outers to create a complete diaper.  The
Inner fitted style diaper is made of certified organic cotton and comes in two sizes for a perfect fit on your baby.  Size 1 fits aprox. 7-17lbs and when it's time to size up, size 2 fits about 18-35lbs. 

On top of the Inner you need a waterproof layer...enter the Esembly Outer.  Outers come in the same two sizes and the Outer goes overtop to make the diaper waterproof, leak proof and blow-out proof. The Inner will be replaced with a fresh one at each change, but the Outer can be re-used for a few changes if it isn't soiled. 
This means less laundry because you only need about 1 Outer for every 3 Inners. 

There is also a complete lineup of accessories to complement your cloth diapering needs from pail pouch wet bags, to skin care (everyday balm, rash relief, and wipe up wash), absorbency boosters, cloth wipes and even stay dry and disposable liners to make dealing with poop easier. Esembly has you covered for everything.  

Esembly strives to make the world a better place.  They are a women-owned business committed to sustainably grown, low-impact, high-quality matierials and responsible manufacturing. 

Reducing plastic in the supply chain - Esembly is committed to using as little plastic as possible all along their supply chain and to reusing post consumer plastic too.  The TPU fabric used for their diapers and wet bags is all made from 100% recycled yarn derived from plastic bottles. 2-10 plastic bottles are reused in the creation of each Esembly product. 

Organic cotton - Esembly makes their diapers with responsibly grown, certified organic cotton grown in South Asia. Why? Organic cotton maintains the health of the soil and reduces pesticide and fertilizer usage. Ultimately that means it's safe for your baby's skin, but also safe for the workers who are growing it, for the land it's grown on and for the entire ecosystem as a whole.  

Simple skincare - Esembly skincare products feature organic,* natural ingredients without the use of any petro-chemicals, parabens, SLS or dye. No synthetic or essential oil fragrances are used and it is never tested on animals.  Additionally all of their skincare products are made in the USA. 

*Note there are some non-organic ingredients used for the following reasons: Zinc oxide is considered 'inorganic' since it is a mineral. Vitamin E because it cannot be sourced organically. Beeswax — because even high-quality sourced beeswax cannot claim itself to be 100% organic due to the fact that bees travel. 

Clean detergent - Esembly makes it's cloth diaper detergent to be powerful and effective but also with the environment in mind. Therefore it does not contain SLS, SLES, LAS, petroleum, phosphates, or phthalates. It is in fact patented and designed without fragrance, optical brighteners or softeners. Yet it is pH-balanced to leave nothing behind but clean fabric.

Carbon Neutral certified 🌍

Esembly Baby has lots to offer and we're pleased to be only the second place in Canada to carry them at the moment.  

Live less disposably and have fun doing it.

If you want to try some Esembly in your cloth diaper stash, add some to your cart and take 10% off with code: ESEMBLYNEW

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