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Our Charity Projects

Here at Cloth Diaper Kids we know it is important to give back to struggling families in need as well as to our environment in which we live.  For these reasons we've been involved in a number of charity projects over the years supporting mothers, families, hospitals, rainforest re-forestation and more. 

Here's a bit about some of our projects:

Purple Rain
- February 14, 2017 - AppleCheeks Exclusive Color - A portion of sales goes towards planting trees in the Kids Saving the Rainforest Sanctuary in Parita, Cost Rica.  Be part of our AppleCheeks/Cloth Diaper Kids Forest by purchasing any Purple Rain colored one size AppleCheeks diaper or storage sac

To The Moon and Back
- in November of 2015 we created several AppleCheeks customized embroidery diapers - Profits from the auction of these diapers went to the Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation in Edmonton, AB. In total all together the diapers were auctioned for a grand total of $2079.

There were 11 diapers produced in total:
4 size Two
3 size Ones
2 'seconds quality' diapers (one of each size)
2 diapers given away as prizes (one of each size)

Monetary and diaper donations of new and used cloth diapers to local and international organizations including:
- Jake's Diapers - Buy one give one promotion with purchases of Kanga Care's Freshavacado print.  October 2019.
- Bright Hope International
- Babies in Cloth (Alberta based cloth diaper lending group for families in need)
- ISL HEART Organization through students volunteering from the University of Toronto in the Dominican Republic.
- The Gianna Centre - formerly the Edmonton Pregnancy Crisis Centre - provides information, support, and advocacy to those who are facing an unplanned or crisis pregnancy.

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