Here's a bit about some of our projects:

Purple Rain - February 14, 2017 - AppleCheeks Exclusive Color - A portion of sales goes towards planting trees in the Kids Saving the Rainforest Sanctuary in Parita, Cost Rica. Be part of our AppleCheeks/Cloth Diaper Kids Forest by purchasing any Purple Rain colored one size AppleCheeks diaper or storage sac.

To The Moon and Back - in November of 2015 we created several AppleCheeks customized embroidery diapers - Profits from the auction of these diapers went to the Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation in Edmonton, AB. In total all together the diapers were auctioned for a grand total of $2079.
There were 11 diapers produced in total:
4 size Two
3 size Ones
2 'seconds quality' diapers (one of each size)
2 diapers given away as prizes (one of each size)
Monetary and diaper donations of new and used cloth diapers to local and international organizations including:
- Jake's Diapers - Buy one give one promotion with purchases of Kanga Care's Freshavacado print. October 2019.
- Bright Hope International
- Babies in Cloth (Alberta based cloth diaper lending group for families in need)
- ISL HEART Organization through students volunteering from the University of Toronto in the Dominican Republic.
- The Gianna Centre - formerly the Edmonton Pregnancy Crisis Centre - provides information, support, and advocacy to those who are facing an unplanned or crisis pregnancy.