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How Do You Use Cloth Wipes?

*Would you like to save about $100/year in addition to what you’re already saving by choosing to cloth diaper?

*Did you know that sometimes persistent diaper rash can be caused or exacerbated by disposable wipes (even the 'sensitive' or 'hypoallergenic' ones?)

*If someone was wiping YOUR bum what would you want them to use? 

Let's talk about how to use super soft, economical, chemical-free cloth wipes!

Made from a variety of materials including cottons, velours, flannels, microfleece, minky and more, cloth wipes have many advantages and are easy to use.  I mean, heck, you’re doing diaper laundry anyway, why not be using cloth wipes too?  You wash them all together anyway.

How to use cloth wipes (no you won't be left holding a handful of poo):

  • Have your wipes handy, either close to your diaper changing area or bathroom sink. 
  • If baby has peed, use a dry or damp wipe to dry them off.  If baby has pooped, use the diaper to take off as much as you can when you take it off, then use a damp wipe or two to clean baby’s bum.
  • Place the used wipe(s) in your wet bag along with your used diapers and wash everything together on wash day. (If you're new to washing cloth diapers, find out how to do that here).

How do you wet your cloth wipes?

There are a number of ways to easily wet your wipes before use so they will be damp and ready to clean just like disposable wipes:

  • You can simply keep your wipes in the bathroom nearest the change table and wet them with warm tap water on your way to your baby changing area. This is what we personally did most often when we were at home since it made the wipes a nice temperature for baby before use.  We kept the wipes rolled up in a little decorative basket next to the sink so they were easy to grab with one hand while holding baby.
  • You can also use a pre-mixed wipe solution or plain water in a little spray bottle at your change station to either spray directly on baby or to wet your cloth wipe before use.  Bonus: wetting your wipes with a solution like these means gentle ingredients and they are naturally scented with lovely essential oils such as lavender (anti-bacterial) and others for a fresh feeling.  This option is amazingly convenient, works really well and it’s super easy to keep a small bottle in your diaper bag for fuss-free diaper changes when you’re out on the town (perhaps not within easy reach of a sink).
  • You can use a small container (or a wipe warmer) - some moms use an empty disposable wipes container - to put your wipes in and pre-wet them in the container so they’re always ready and waiting.  To do this, pour the wipe solution of your choice over the dry wipes in the container and you’re good to go.  (Note: if you use this option you’ll want to clean out the container and put in fresh solution and new wipes every few days to keep it from getting musty).

Traveling with Cloth Wipes

Is this possible?  Of course!  Same rules apply as above, but on a smaller scale so they fit in your diaper bag:

  • Pack dry wipes and pre-wet them just before use at the sink or with a small spray bottle of wipe solution.
  • Or, put pre-moistened cloth wipes in an empty disposable wipes travel size container, or clutch size wet bag.
  • Store your used wipes along with the used diaper(s) in a wet bag to wash when you get home.

How Many Cloth Wipes Do You Need?

Most parents find roughly 2 dozen to be a good number if you’re wash routine is every second day.

Other Uses For Cloth Wipes

Oh yes you can do lots of things with wipes other than cleaning a bum!  Cloth wipes are also great for spit up, wash cloths in the bath, face wiping, makeup removal, postpartum mama care (especially when softness is appreciated on stitches or tears), they make lovely absorbent doublers for use in newborn diapers and are perfect for putting over naked babies who like to pee in the 5 second window of time between when you take the dirty diaper off and put the clean one on (especially with little boys). 

So what are you waiting for.  Cloth wipes are inexpensive and easy.  Browse the different kinds we have available here and join the fun!

As a quick side note, if you have a baby with a persistent rash that isn’t explained by a more obvious cause such as ammonia, detergent buildup, material sensitivity, yeast infection, need for a stay-dry diaper inner etc.  it may very well be that they are having a reaction to the chemicals and preservatives in disposable wipes.  We see lots of babies that have reactions even when using brands that are of the ‘hypoallergenic’ or ‘gentle perfume-free’ variety.

And definitely don’t use disposable wipes if baby has a bad rash that is open, blistered or bleeding. They can really sting raw skin.  See your doctor, and in the mean time use cloth wipes with plain water and make sure to air dry the skin well before putting on a fresh diaper.

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