RLR Laundry Treatment - Single Sachet
What RLR Is and Is Not
RLR Laundry Treatment is a laundry additive that enhances fabric quality. It is not a soap, bleach, bluing agent, or detergent. It can be used on both white and colored fabrics without harm. RLR contains no phosphates or perfumes and is a biodegradable product.
How the Laundry Treatment Works
Often what happens during normal washing routines is that water mineral deposits , dirt, and particles of detergent gets trapped in the fabric. For clothing this is often seen as discolored or faded fabrics after washings.
RLR added to the wash removes all the residue trapped within the fabric and suspends it in the water. The unwanted particles are prevented from being redeposited and are washed away in the rinse cycle. RLR was made with the intention of being used once a month to help clothing appear vibrant and clean.
Why It Works To Improve Wicking or Smelly Cloth Diapers
One of the biggest culprits that causes wicking diapers and diapers to have an "ammonia" smell is that detergent residue and other particles prevent the cloth diaper from working as they typically should. This can cause problems for cloth diapers in four ways.
- It can decrease the amount of urine the diaper can absorb.
It degrades the waterproof layer of covers.
When urine combines with the residue, it can make for a most unpleasant odor. As mentioned, RLR removes this residue from the cloth diaper. It will improve the absorbency of the soakers and help prevent wicking.
It can cause diaper rash that is like a burn.
When to Add RLR Laundry Treatment to your Cloth Diaper Washing Routine
It is not necessary to use RLR during every washing of cloth diapers. Parents who use cloth diapers may only want to use RLR when problems crop up, or on a monthly basis as a preventative measure.
RLR should be added to a hot washing cycle. If one were to peek in the washing machine, they would see a foamy mass of suspended particles in the water.
When you use RLR Laundry Treatment, wash your clean cloth diapers on a hot wash with one package of RLR added to the wash. You will most likely see a lot of foamy white suds. Continue washing and rinsing on the hot cycle until you don’t see anymore filmy soap in the washer. It is best to use a heavy duty cycle because you get a stronger agitation which can help release more detergent build up into the water.